Absence & illness
As part of our attendance and leave monitoring procedures, it is required that you notify the school of any absence, regardless of its duration. You can notify the school of your child’s absence via email, phone or a written note to the class teacher after the absence. After being absent for three school days (without parent notification), your child’s class teacher will contact you to enquire about your child’s wellbeing, in line with Department of Education attendance policy guidelines.
Please be aware that teachers are responsible for your child’s wellbeing during school hours. You will be contacted if we are concerned for your child’s health.
We will also advise you straight away of any accident involving a knock to the head. If your child has a serious illness please contact us immediately.
Allergies and asthma
We have students with severe allergies to nuts, egg and dairy products. Parents are asked to remind students of the importance of not sharing their lunch with other students and are asked to avoid lunches with spreads containing nuts (especially peanut butter and Nutella).
Parents and carers are required to provide the school administration with an updated (annual) copy of the student’s Anaphylaxis Plan from their GP and to check the currency and expiry of epiPens kept at school for use by school staff.
If your child has severe Asthma they will have a Health Care Plan made in conjunction with your GP. Please provide the school office with this plan and any updated plans for your child, along with current asthma medication and spacers, as required. These should be labeled and packaged.
Arrival at school
Children should arrive at school in the mornings between 8:30am and bell time at 9:00am, unless they are booked into the Out of School Hours Care (OoSHC) service. The top and bottom playground is supervised from 8.30am.
NSW Department of Education Legal Services advises that parents who drop off students before the official start to school do so at their own risk. A letter will be sent home to parents who consistently send children to school prior to supervision commencing. Should work times require an early start to your day, students should be registered at the OoSHC service, run by Newtown Kids Cottage which operates from 7.30am. Please go to the Newtown Kids Cottage web page for more information.
Children in Kindergarten and Years 1 and 2 are expected to remain with their teachers until they are collected after school or are collected by staff from Newtown Kids Cottage.
All children are expected to leave the playground promptly after school and should go to the office if their arrangements change for any reason i.e.; parent is late. Unless the office is notified, students who are not collected by 3:15pm will be brought to the office until 3:30pm and they will then be taken to Newtown Kids Cottage (casual rates will be charged).
Please call the office if you know that you will be late and come to the office to collect your child/children when you arrive.
Students and families are asked to leave the school grounds by 3:15pm so that OoSHC services can begin on site.
Weekly assemblies are held to recognise and celebrate student achievement. They are also an opportunity for classes to showcase their work. Assembly is held weekly. Please refer to the School Bytes Calendar for dates and times.
Regular attendance at school is important for student learning. The NSW Department of Education has an attendance policy which is interpreted by our school in terms of process for absence and lateness. Please view this policy document at: