Newtown Public School is a comprehensive primary school for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school grounds provide an open leafy space in a busy cosmopolitan suburb. Our school community is a diverse and vibrant mix of inner city families.
Our school enjoys a strong community connection, working closely with families, local businesses and friends of our school.
Newtown Public School provides strong foundations in literacy and numeracy with an emphasis on future focused curriculum initiatives and student wellbeing.
Our school is committed to high expectations for learning and quality teaching to enable all students to reach their full potential educationally, socially and emotionally.
If there are more questions, or areas you would like to know more about our school and Public Education, please consult The A to Z of NPS page on our website. It is a quick reference guide for parents, families and carers to help navigate your way through our school's policies and day-to-day activities.
The Department of Education has more information that will complement this page. Please refer to their A-Z parents guide. The information found here is an alphabetical index of common topics of inquiry.