Newtown Kids Cottage

Newtown Kids Cottage (NKC) is a quality, service providing before and after school care as well as Vacation care for those who attend Newtown Public School. We are located on-site, in a self-contained cottage.
A parent-based committee manages the centre and employs a team of staff, who facilitate a range of child-focused activities that include art and craft, sport, cooking, games, drama, dance and free play.
At Newtown Kids Cottage (NKC), we are committed to providing a safe, supportive, friendly and fun environment for the children attending the centre. We recognise the importance of the care we provide to the ongoing development of each child. The services we offer and our centre's policies and procedures have been developed with these objectives in mind.
Our services
We provide the following care on a permanent or casual basis, subject to availability:
- Before school care from 7:30 to 9am with breakfast provided.
- After school care from 3 to 6pm with afternoon tea provided.
- Vacation Care.
Our philosophy
At Newtown Kids Cottage, we play and work on the land of the Eora Nations. Here we observe, learn and grow. We honour the Cadigal people who cared for this land for many generations before us and we pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
It is our mission is to provide children with the opportunity to grow and be enriched through a diverse range of activities, experiences and relationships.
We aim to provide staff, families and children with a supportive and safe environment that works towards understanding, respecting and meeting children's individual needs and requirements.
We value appropriate to play in all its forms so that children can engage in meaningful, out-of-school leisure activities, assisted by motivated staff.
We value creating an inclusive, welcoming service in which we celebrate diversity in our community.
Annual enrolment process
Each year both new and existing families, intending to access care at NKC, need to complete a current enrolment form for each child. An enrolment can only be processed if all relevant information (including health management plans and immunization records) has been completed.
Our enrolment process is through our online portal. If you are interested please contact us for details at with the subject line “new enrolment”. We will add you to our “expressions of interest folder and forward you the link when we open enrolments for the year ahead. This is generally done in week 5 of Term 3 (mid August). Once open we will email you a link to complete enrolment details.
The cut-off date for applications to be considered in the first round, is the last day of Term 3 and enrolment status is advised during week 3 of Term 4. Applications received after this date will still be accepted but assessed after all other enrolments are processed. Applications are accepted all year round for the current year and will be processed by availability.
Where the number of enrolment applications exceeds the number of places available, places are allocated according to the priority of access guidelines as defined below:
- Priority 1 is a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
- Priority 2 is a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work, training, study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.
- Priority 3 is any other child.
Contact us
Newtown Kids Cottage is located on the grounds of Newtown Public School. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday during the school terms from 7:30-9am and from 3.00- 6:00pm, and Vacation care 7.30am – 6.00pm.
Further information can be found inside our Newtown Kids Cottage Family Handbook
Norfolk Street, Newtown NSW, 2042.
Telephone: 02 9557 6825.
Mobile: 0418 899 416.