Newtown Public School

Together we grow

Telephone02 9557 4862

A day at NPS


Arrive at school

School grounds are supervised from 8:30am.

Only students attending Before School Care can arrive before this time as school grounds are not supervised.

9:00am: School starts

Students who arrive after 9am must report to the school office with their parent / carer before going to their class.

11:00-11:30am: Lunch break

11:30-11:45am: Eating time

Supervised eating time in classroom.

1:30-2:00pm: Recess

3:00pm: End of school day

Students and families are asked to leave the school grounds by 3:15pm so that after-school OoSHC services can begin on site.


Wednesday Whole School Assembly

Our school assembly is held at 2:30pm every Wednesday.

Students lead these assemblies.


At Newtown Public School we have lunch, followed by recess in the afternoon.

All students must bring a labelled refillable water bottle to school every day.

We do not have an onsite canteen however you can place lunch orders online with The School Canteen.

The School Canteen is a local small family business who have been servicing schools in the Inner West area for over 10 years.

Lunch orders are prepared fresh and delivered to our School for eating time.

Our lunch order days are: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The School Canteen using Spriggy Schools to process their orders. Please refer to the Quick Guide to Signing  Up and Placing an Order with Spriggy Schools

The DEADLINE for orders is 7:30am THE DAY OF (or in advance anytime).